
Happiness depends on our own!!! Fan Meeting Petition for inviting "Muwon-God" Kim Jaejoong to Taiwan

Do you remember our dashing and spirited Director Kim in 2011 JYJ World Tour Concert in Taiwan? Do you adore the gentle, funny and intelligent "Muwon-God" in "Protect the Boss"? That's Kim Jaejoong, a creative and brilliant artist. All fans have cravings to hear him singing the OST song made by himself, talking about the inspiration, and sharing dribs and drabs of his feelings or private things to be a director, to get along with JYJ members and in his everyday life.

An organizer heard our voices and would like to support us to invite Kim Jaejoong to host a personal Fan meeting in Taiwan. However, They need us to show our passion and eagerness. Let's as a "Hero" who always fight and never give up. We could make our dreams come true!! Please sign this Petition and spread out as possible as you could.

Petition is held from 2012.01.03 to 2012.01.18. Let's sign it and thank you to join us.

Petition Website:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEo0Q0tpS3JZUVhqdTZJT3NySS00Snc6MQ


